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Cebu Doctors’ College (CDC) was founded on April 21, 1973, when the Department of Education granted Cebu Doctors’ Hospital the authority to operate the Cebu Doctors’ Hospital School of Nursing, later renamed Cebu Doctors’ College of Nursing (CDCN). Envisioning the subsequent establishment of a College of Medicine, the founders opened Cebu Doctors’ College of Arts and Sciences (CDCAS) in 1975 that offered Bachelor of Science in Biology as a preparatory academic program for the Doctor of Medicine program. Cebu Doctors’ College of Medicine (CDCM), a non-stock, non-profit medical foundation, was founded on April 21, 1977. In line with the institution’s objective to offer allied medical programs, six other academic units were subsequently opened: Cebu Doctors’ College of Dentistry (CDCD) in 1980; Cebu Doctors’ College of Optometry (CDCO) in 1980; Cebu Doctors’ College Graduate School (CDCGS) in 1980; Cebu Doctors’ Institute of Allied Medical Sciences (CDIAMS) in 1982, renamed Cebu Doctors’ College of Allied Medical Sciences (CDCAMS) in 1992; Cebu Doctors’ College of Rehabilitative Sciences (CDCRS) in 1992; and Cebu Doctors’ College of Pharmacy (CDCP) in 2004. The College campus was at that time located along Osmeña Boulevard, Capitol Site, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.


On November 23, 2004, Cebu Doctors’ College was granted University Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), thus the name Cebu Doctors’ University was adopted.


On October 16, 2009, Cebu Doctors’ University attained the CHED Institutional Quality Assurance through Monitoring and Evaluation (IQuAME) Category A (t).


On May 27, 2010, CHED granted Autonomous Status to Cebu Doctors’ University.


On December 2, 2015, the Department of Education granted Cebu Doctors’ University the authority to operate a Senior High School effective School Year 2016-2017.


At present, Cebu Doctors’ University (CDU) is composed of the following academic units:


  • Cebu Doctors' University Graduate School (CDU-GS)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine (CDU-CM)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Dentistry (CDU-CD)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Optometry (CDU-CO)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Nursing (CDU-CN)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Rehabilitative Sciences (CDU-CRS)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Allied Medical Sciences (CDU-CAMS)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Pharmacy (CDU-CP)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University College of Arts and Sciences (CDU-CAS)

  • Cebu Doctors’ University Senior High School (CDU-SHS).


The following undergraduate and graduate programs have been PAASCU accredited: Bachelor of Science in Nursing since 1985; Bachelor of Science in Biology since 1998; Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology since 2000; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology since 2017; Master of Arts Major in Educational Management, Master of Arts in Organization Development, and Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development since 2017, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy and Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy since 2018, and Doctor of Medicine since 2022.


The Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy has been an approved education program under the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) since 2001.


On April 21, 2007, Cebu Doctors’ University transferred to its present location at No. 1 Dr. P. V. Larrazabal Jr. Avenue, North Reclamation, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines.


On February 22, 2022, groundbreaking was held for the PVL Building at the south end of the current campus.


In March 2023, Cebu Doctors’ University was given ISO 9001:2015 certification.

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