The Admissions Committee is responsible for the selection of students for admission. It evaluates the qualification of each applicant based on academic record, National Medical Admission Test
(NMAT) percentile, personal interview, and health report. Character, aptitude, and health, and more importantly, academic standing will determine whether an applicant will be admitted to the College of Medicine.
Who May Apply
A holder of a bachelor’s degree in any field of study conferred by an accredited college or university. Preferably, the course must have included Organic Chemistry, Vertebrate Zoology, College Physics, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Botany or their equivalents, and six units of Filipino; these subjects should have been taken no more than ten (10) years prior to the filing of the application.
A student who expects to graduate at the end of the summer session of the academic year may also apply. The student must submit the Special Order and other documentation required for the issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility for Medicine (CEM). Unless otherwise provided, no action will be taken on the application. Preference shall be given to those who are able to complete the records required. Disqualified from admission are applicants who had previously enrolled in other medical schools and applicants found by the Admissions Committee to be lacking in aptitude to become doctors of medicine.
Selection Factors
Students are admitted on the basis of their individual qualification, regardless of sex, religion or race. The Admissions Committee requires evidence of general competence, motivation, and capability. Aside from grades and test scores, preference shall be given to those who are highly motivated toward people and medicine, have shown high academic achievement and capability, and have demonstrated personality and character traits important to their future growth as physicians.
Application Forms
An applicant should obtain an application form from the Accounting Office of Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine, 1 Dr. P. V. Larrazabal Jr. Avenue, North Reclamation, 6014 Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines or download the document Application Form (PDF, 994 kb) from http://www.cebudoctorsuniversity.edu/downloads/cdu_cm_application_form.pdf. The application fee is PHP150.00 * .
Application Procedure
The filled-out application form must be submitted together with the following:
Subject to change
NMAT (National Medical Admission Test) score of 40 th percentile or higher *
College Transcript of Records (TOR). It should contain all subjects taken or being taken by the applicant, together with the corresponding grades, except those subjects being taken in the second semester of the current academic year. Grades in those subjects should be submitted as soon as they are available.
A student who expects to graduate at the end of the summer session should also submit a certification from his or her college registrar or other designated school authority that he or she will graduate in summer specifying therein the summer subjects being taken
Letters of reference from two (2) of the applicant’s former professors in the school last attended, stating among others, that the applicant has no derogatory record
Birth certificate (certified true copy)
Three (3) recent colored identification photographs ("2x2″) A non-refundable PHP150.00 2 * student application fee.
Only those who have submitted their Transcript of Records, duly accomplished application forms, official NMAT results, and have passed the interview will be included in the selection process.
Notice will be given to students whose applications are accepted. The notice will state the date when the applicant is expected to enroll. If the applicant does not arrive on time or cannot submit the papers necessary for enrollment, the slot will be given to the applicant who is next in rank. If the accepted applicant is no longer interested in the application, he or she should notify the College
within a period of 15 days (subject to extension) from receipt of the notice of acceptance, to give a chance to other applicants.
If the application is disapproved, the applicant will also be notified. Applicants may be placed on waitlisted status and may be considered for acceptance when slots for the First Year become open; notices of disapproval will be sent when all available slots are filled.
If an accepted student fails to enroll, he or she will be required to reapply, update the application records and documents, and pay the application fee again.
The Admissions Committee evaluates on a year-to-year basis the cut-off level depending on the applicants’ credentials as shown in their Transcript of Records, personal interviews, and other criteria that the committee will determine from time to time.
Enrollment Accepted applicants should present themselves for enrollment on the day stated in the notice of acceptance. They should bring the following papers:
NMAT (National Medical Admission Test) result of 40 th percentile or higher 3 *
Certificate of Transfer Credential from the school last attended
Certificate of Eligibility for Medicine (CEM), issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The applicant may obtain this himself, or he may submit the following necessary
Subject to change papers to the Registrar’s Office early enough to permit the filing of the application with the CHED on time:
a. A duly notarized petition for the issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility for Medicine (CEM). Forms may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office;
b. Postal Money Order (PMO) in the amount of PHP60.00 payable to the Commission on Higher Education, Manila;
c. Birth Certificate or, if not available as duly certified by the local civil registrar, baptismal certificate or a duly notarized affidavit (2 copies);
d. Certificate of Good Moral Character issued by two former professors in the college where the B.S. or A.B. degree was obtained (2 copies);
e. Original and complete Transcript of Records (B.S. or A.B. course) in duplicate;
f. A duly authenticated copy of the diploma or a Certificate of Graduation issued by the Registrar of the school where he or she graduated (2 copies). Special Order (B) is to be indicated in case of private school graduates;
g. Three (3) recent colored identification photographs (2″ x 2″);
h. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR), if alien, or Certificate of Naturalization issued by a competent court, if the applicant is a naturalized Filipino (2 copies);
i. Six (6) documentary stamps at PHP1.50 each;
Residence Certificate for the current year
Study Permit issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), if the applicant is a non-resident alien
Certificate of physical fitness from Cebu Doctors’ University Hospital.
Disapproval by the Commission on Higher Education of the application for the CEM and Study Permit (for non-residents), being a circumstance not within the province of CDU-CM, should not be taken by the applicant against CDU-CM. Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine, through the Registrar, may assist the student to secure a reconsideration or to clarify the disqualification. The
CEM and Study Permit should be secured before enrollment. Students who enroll without the CEM or Study Permit are considered probationary students. Students who fall under this category must endeavor to submit the same not later than the end of the first semester. Students falling in this category assume a risk and Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine is under no obligation to accept the student without these requirements.
The College retains, at all times, the right to deny and revoke the admission of an applicant:
a) if the Transcript of Records is later discovered to have grade deficiencies which were not known at the time of the selection, such that the level of academic performance falls below the standard set by the Admissions Committee;
b) in case of falsification, concealment, or misrepresentation;
c) if the guidelines on admission are not fulfilled;
d) in other cases analogous to the foregoing.
A transferee is a student of another medical school who applies to Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine for enrollment. Transferees, as a rule, will not be accepted. However, in exceptional cases, a transferee may be accepted upon favorable evaluation of his or her academic records by the College and upon proper written recommendation from the Dean of the original college of medicine attended. STUDENTS DISMISSED FROM ANOTHER MEDICAL SCHOOL AND STUDENTS WITH FAILURES OR STUDENTS DEBARRED DUE TO SCHOLASTIC DEFICIENCIES are all disqualified to apply for acceptance at CDU-CM.
Being a private institution, the determination of the chargeable tuition and other school fees is the exclusive prerogative of the school, through its Board of Trustees. The chargeable fees are pre-announced to enable the students and the parents to study, assess, and make a choice whether CDU-CM’s standard is acceptable. CDU-CM has a scholarship program in place to help deserving students. The chargeable tuition fees may be waived in favor of students who pass the criteria as determined by the Awards Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees.
A student who registers during the regular semester is deemed enrolled for the entire period.
All chargeable tuition fees and other school fees and charges must be paid. Payment is an essential consideration for the existence of a school-student relationship. CDU-CM is under no obligation to issue course or subject credits, diplomas, confer degrees, or release credentials and other pertinent documents for failure to pay the required tuition fees and other school fees and charges. Hence, the following must be observed:
Payment of fees and deposits must be made in cash, check, bank draft, or money order at the Cashier’s Office of the College.
An application fee of PHP150.00 4 * is charged per applicant upon submission of the application form.
For accepted applicants in the First Year class, all required fees are due and payable on the date of registration.
Students are not allowed to attend classes until all required fees are settled in full. Students found violating this rule are guilty of fraud and will not be given credits even if passing grades are obtained and without prejudice to being barred from continuing his or her studies at Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine.
Payment Plan
A student who pays in full upon enrolment is given a five percent (5%) discount on the tuitionfee.
A student may choose to pay on installment up to a maximum of three (3) installments, as follows:
One-third (1/3) of the tuition and all other fees upon enrollment
One-third (1/3) of the tuition and all other fees before the First Bimonthly Examinations for the First Semester and before the Third Bimonthly Examinations for the Second Semester
One-third (1/3) of the tuition and all other fees before the Second Bimonthly Examinations for the First Semester and before the Final Examinations for the Second Semester