The College of Nursing is one of the older colleges of nursing in Cebu. The College of Nursing enjoys the distinction of being the 1st College of Nursing in Cebu, 2nd in Region VII, to have earned level III status granted by the Philippine Accredited Association of Schools, Colleges and Universitites (PAASCU).
Committed to the vision, mission and goals of the University, the College has regular activities geared toward the wholistic development of our students to become caring professional nurses, who are cognizant of thier accountabilities to God and the people they serve in pursuit of health.
CDUCN believes that, "Nursing Is Where People Are".
Educate future nurses who
Give caring care in meeting the needs of clients, independently or in collaboration with others, in the health-illness continuum, utilizing the nursing process, effective communication techniques, and decision making skills.
Find fulfillment in the performance of nursing functions in any setting, guided by scientific principles, ethico-moral, legal, and spiritual responsibilities, inspired by the CDU-CN values .
Update themselves for personal and professional development through research, continuing education, linkage, and involvement in community outreach programs to help God’s people.
Uphold positive Filipino cultural heritage with openness and sensitivity in dealing with people from diverse cultures.