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In recognition of Cebu Doctors’ University’s (CDU’s) forty years’ experience in healthcare education and the faculty’s vast reserve of talents and knowhow in healthcare services, starting Academic Year(AY) 2013-2014, the Graduate School(GS) will offer more graduate programs in the healthcare sciences (first 2 are Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy(MAOT) and Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPsyc with 3 majors) until all undergraduate programs(in Dentistry, Medical Technology, Rehabilitative Sciences, Pharmacy, Optometry, Biology, Nutrition and Dietetic Science and Public Health Administration) have their corresponding masteral and doctoral programs. The first graduate program in healthcare started in AY 1981-1982, with Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) with 4 majors. In June 2013 AY 2013-2014, MAN opened MAN classes in CDUH Capitol Site, Cebu City for students from central and south Cebu, while continuing to maintain MAN classes in CDU campus, Mandaue City for students from out-of-town and north Cebu. Starting Summer 2014 AY 2014-2015, MAN is changed to MSN-Master of Science in Nursing. The second graduate program in healthcare was Master of Arts in Hospital Administration (MAHAd) which started in AY 2007-2008 and will continue its course offering.

The GS, in keeping with its aim of attaining global excellence will continue what it started in its Organization Development (OD) course offerings at the masteral level (AY 1992-1993) and at the doctoral level (AY 1997-1998). OD as a course teaches graduate students how to utilize transformational strategies for development by introducing the best facet in quality as the keyword for effecting a new vision and a shift from conventional mode towards a healthy, innovative and dynamic development pace to achieve their goals in their respective organizations. This learning process combines a unique feature of face-to-face classroom instructions with modular and on-line studies using the latest technology that allows graduate students to grow in their professional career with techno-socio-cultural touch.

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