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1BETTINA ANNE L. VELOSO, MM-IHSM (Vice President for Finance).jpg

Bettina Anne Larrazabal-Veloso, MA/IHSM

Vice President for Finance

Mrs. Bettina Anne Larrazabal-Veloso is the 2nd child of the former president of Cebu Doctors’ University, the late Dr. Potenciano V. Larrazabal, Jr. with Mrs. Zenaida Sto. Domingo – Larrazabal.

To equip herself as a helping hand in running their family business, she worked in the Radiology and Accounting Department of the Cebu Doctors’ University – Hospital while taking up her Masters in Management major in Integrated Health Services Management at the University of the Philippines – Cebu.

She earned her degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology here in Cebu Doctors’ University.

Currently, she is the Vice President for Finance of Cebu Doctors’ University and at the same time the Comptroller of Cebu Doctors’ University – Hospital.

Mrs. Veloso is a women’s rights advocate. In fact, she is a dedicated member of the Zonta Club of Cebu II, a leading global organization which envisions every woman to be able to achieve her full potential and to have access in the resources and are represented in the decision making positions on an equal basis with men.

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